Full Contour Zirconia

Tech/Zir FC is milled from the most esthetic full contour zirconia available.
Perfect for zirconia crowns and other zirconia dental work, we design your restoration using our cutting-edge 3Shape software and then mill the restoration before performing a multi-color shading process that dramatically enhances the esthetics for a natural look.
The restoration is then sintered, seated under 10x magnification, and glazed with Tech/Zir FC boasts 1100 Mpa flexural strength, making it the strongest all-ceramic crown available!
Easily and conveniently cemented, both you and your patients will love it.

Tech/Zir Fc
Strong! – Flexural Strength >1200 MPa
Not Indicated for Anteriors
Shoulder or Chamfer Margin Required
Lifetime Warranty
Suitable for small posterior bridges
Cost Effective Screw-Retained Implant Crowns.
Tech/Zir Fc Plus
Strong! – Flexural Strength >1200 MPa
Multi-shaded with up to 45% translucency
Can Be Used on Single Units up to full-arch cases
Shoulder or Chamfer Margin Required
Lifetime Warranty
Cold Isostatic Pressing Technique Used in Manufacturing Optimizes the Translucent Properties of The Restoration
Cost Effective Screw-Retained Implant Crowns.

Technics Dental Lab
Fax: (954) 969-9847